Innovations in BIM Technology are growing in the construction industry as more companies seek solutions that will allow them to be more efficient. Some of the latest innovations include cloud-based platforms, document management, and AI and LS technologies. But how will these innovations change the way the industry works?
Document management
It’s no secret that innovations in BIM technology are growing by leaps and bounds. Those innovations include several technological advances and new business models.
One of these technologies is the construction industry’s ability to create and share 3D models of built assets. These models are based on an integrated database that contains information on the structural elements and their relationships.
Another innovation is the ability to create realistic models that reflect reality. These models are a combination of graphical, dimensional, and textual data. A detailed model consists of a precise specification of a built asset, including nongeometric attributes. This model allows rapid identification of errors and is a key advantage of BIM.
In addition to the benefits of BIM, there are also several challenges. These challenges involve technical, organizational, and social elements.
Detecting clashes early on
Clash detection is an essential part of the design process in the construction industry. This process helps to identify and resolve design conflicts, thereby reducing the chance of unnecessary delivery delays. Detecting clashes early on can save time and resources, which is essential to keep the project within budget.
The use of BIM is growing rapidly across the construction industry. It has been proven to help reduce errors and increase construction efficiencies. Several studies have shown that BIM is also helpful for contractors in their planning and logistics. In addition, a study by Barlish and Sullivan showed that BIM with clash detection effectively lowered overall project costs.
Clash detection involves a complex set of calculations. Rule-based algorithms perform these. However, new technology has made these processes simpler and easier to use.
BIM technology standard
BIM is a standard that facilitates the design and construction of built assets. It helps improve productivity and asset management. In addition to improving efficiency, it facilitates coordination, document management, and reduced lead time. However, many issues need to be improved in its adoption. These issues include the need for more skills, the need to adopt new technology, and legal and organizational issues.
BIM has been implemented in tunnels, bridges, dams, and other civil infrastructure projects. Using a digital model of a built asset, it is possible to improve efficiency, collaboration, and quality. As well it can reduce costs and disputes.
While the benefits of BIM are numerous, they cannot be seen in full until the barriers that prevent its adoption are removed. Specifically, there are issues such as the cost of implementing it, the reliability of the process, the need to invest in new technologies, and the need for a framework to implement it.
AI in BIM technology
New construction technologies will not only help companies improve their efficiency, but they will also change the way they interact with consumers. However, many industry participants need clarification about how the new technologies will impact their operations. Moreover, there needs to be a consensus about the relationship between new technologies and BIM.
The ‘digital twin’ concept enables the use of sensors and IoT applications to monitor the progress of a building. AI techniques, such as machine learning, can aid in creating and maintaining accurate digital twins. These twins can simulate the decision-making process, improve project scheduling, and monitor the status of a project.
Graph representations of BIM models can enhance pattern recognition algorithms. They can also provide explicit representations of relationships between building objects. Combined with BIM, this can enable more efficient management of energy consumption and construction safety.
Cloud-based platform
Cloud-based BIM technology is becoming increasingly important for the development of smart cities. Its benefits include data interoperability, easy file management, and high-performance computing. However, there are challenges to cloud-based BIM and how it can be used for smart city development. This article evaluates these challenges and provides recommendations for how to use cloud-based BIM to develop smart cities.
The BIM platform has advanced digital technologies that enable architects, engineers, and designers to collaborate. This results in a comprehensive multidisciplinary 3D building model.
In addition, Prescient’s proprietary Digital Thread allows fewer revisions on the job site, resulting in a faster design. The system can optimize component geometry and facilitate efficient layout by capturing engineering details early.
Moreover, cloud-based BIM can solve common collaboration issues in the construction industry. IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is an industry-standard file format that has improved interdisciplinary communication in the AEC industry worldwide.